We believe in the power of prayer. By lifting up the House of Hope in prayer, we trust God’s ability to provide for their needs and surround them in love and HOPE.


Please consider partnering with us by making a financial gift. Your donation will help allow them to receive quality education, clothing, protected shelter, healthcare, and healthy meals. In addition, they will know the grace, mercy, and love of Jesus.

Can YOU help?

You have a unique and amazing opportunity to partner with the House of Hope- Madagascar (HOHM) from the ground floor. How often do you get the chance to help from the start and continue to walk with us as we proceed to grow and build HOHM?

During this funding phase, 100% of your donation directly supports the initial 48 children that will be calling HOHM home.

Madagascar consistently ranks among the top 5 poorest countries that are affected by poverty. The average income of rural families is just $140 USD per month. Your tax-deductible contribution helps break this cycle of poverty by transforming at risk children into future leaders. By experiencing Christ’s love, they will help guide their country in a new direction. A tomorrow filled with Hope.

This is why your donation is so important and impactful. By giving today you truly are making a difference.